The Universe of Light Doll
Get to know Lois and her Universe. Keep scrolling!

As a Tarot Reader and Reiki Healer
I've been practicing Tarot since 2015 and Reiki healing since 2020.
In the beginning, I studied each of the cards, their meanings, and practiced a lot on myself, my friends and family. It helped me see new perspectives and learn important lessons about life as I studied the story of the cards.
I like to look at tarot reading and the cards as a tool to gain insight and guidance of what you can do next. The Universe is always communicating with us through dreams, symbolisms, even other people. But tarot reading, to me, is the clearest way to get answers not just for divination but also getting life advice. The tarot is a timeless story in which every person can resonate with.
People are usually afraid to get a tarot reading because they look at it as a self-fulfilling prophecy. But people forget that we live in a free will based reality, therefore, nothing is set in stone. Seeing your energy through the cards is another way of finding out what we can still change.
So remember that the readings I do is a mere reflection of your own energies and from there, you will recognize the blocks and obstacles you need to overcome in order to improve your life.
Let's read your cards!

As a Business Woman Selling Healing Tools
Imagine playing a game... An RPG! 🎮 You get to decide what your avatar is going to be like from their design to their characteristics. You are allowed continuously change this avatar as you see fit. What I’m describing to you is THIS life right now. You are the avatar and this world is a huge playground. So let’s assemble ourselves by installing awesome programs and build our beautiful world together!
I created Light Doll Atelier with the intention of raising your frequency using affirmations as the main tool. I've thoughtfully crafted these tools hoping that it will bring you peace in your lives.
So far, I have created an oracle deck: The Light Doll Affirmations and and created My Affirmation Candles.
Affirm Now. Manifest Now.

As an Artist
Before I began my intuitive practice, I was doing creative works. I am a proud scholar and honors graduate of De La Salle- College of Saint Benilde with a degree in Multimedia Arts. I focused my creativity in graphic design and explored many styles. I am always evolving, that's why I can't really say what my style is. I worked both as a freelance artist and as a corporate employee at other points in my life.
Nowadays, I like to use my skills for creative expression when I feel inspired. Being creative is a big part of who I am and I hope that when you view my artworks, it brings you joy in some way.

Press & Features
Meet the Millennial Manghuhula who uses tarot cards to promote self-awareness
Mars: Tarot card reading with Jen Rosendahl and Mia Pangyarihan | ParanorMars
V81 Radio Mysterium After Dark
VICE Asia Contributor
These IG accounts are your gateways to tarot
Taiwan that You Love Barbie Imperial
Art School Taught Me Podcast